Taylor Swift needs to be stopped. (Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Calvin Harris etc.) Selena Gomez refuses to talk about #BlackLivesMatter.

Hello! I don’t know if you guys heard, but I already tweeted that I was going on vacation to Bora Bora and that’s why I was so inactive this past week. I’m back now.


And we have a lot of catching up to do regarding this drama that unfolded last night.

So let me first tell you what happened and then we will get into the details.

All throughout 2015, Kanye and Taylor seemed cool.


February 11, 2016

Kanye debuts his new album “The Life Of Pablo” at the Yeezy Season 3 fashion show in New York.


He also debuted the line “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? I made that bitch famous.”

February 12, 2016

Taylor’s team denies that he told her about the song and only asked her to release it on Twitter.


Kanye replies.


February 15, 2016: Grammys

Taylor wins Album of the Year.


She said the following:

“And as the first woman to win Album of the Year at the Grammys twice, I want to say to the young woman out there, there are going to be people along the way who try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame. But if you just focus on the work and you don’t let those people sidetrack you, someday when you get where you’re going, you will look around and you will know it was you and the people who love you who put you there, and that will be the greatest feeling in the world.”

February 19, 2016

Ken Ehrlich, one of the Grammy’s producer says that Taylor did indeed know about the song.

He said:

“She had an advance of the track. She commented on it in a very funny way, she’s smart.”

But then quickly retracts that comment and bullshits it saying:

“Regarding my statement at the Grammy’s about Taylor, I misunderstood what she had told me. Under the pressure of rehearsals, rather than say that she was aware of the song, I said she has heard a track when in fact she had not and what she said to me didn’t imply that at all.”

Someone’s revenge team worked a little too quickly.

Fast forward a little bit.

June 16, 2016

Kim Kardashian exposes Taylor Swift in her GQ interview.


She said:

“She totally approved that,” Kim says, shaking her head in annoyance. “She totally knew that that was coming out. She wanted to all of a sudden act like she didn’t. I swear, my husband gets so much shit for things [when] he really was doing proper protocol and even called to get it approved.”


Kim also says that the only other contact they had was a letter sent by Taylor’s attorney. 

“Maybe an attorney’s letter she sent saying, ‘Don’t ever let that footage come out of me saying that. Destroy it.’”

Keep in mind that throughout this whole time period, Taylor and her team are denying that they heard the song and keep claiming they were in the dark about the content of the song and were only asked by Kanye if they could release it on her twitter. 

July 14, 2016

This episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians aired where Kim expresses her feelings for what’s been going on.

July 17, 2016

Kim and Kanye are fed up and Kim takes to snapchat to post proof that Kanye asked Taylor for permission about Famous. 

Here’s the full video:

If you don’t want to watch that or it’s difficult to understand, well here’s the full conversation. 


And then Taylor’s team were shook. 

Taylor then replied saying:


End of timeline. That’s so far what happened. 

Basically, I know what we all know. Taylor lied and tried to milk the victim act once again. Taylor loves victimizing herself. It’s her favorite role. Remember the April Tell All? 


I never put it in an official reveal but I mean it’s obvious who it is. Taylor Swift needs to be stopped. 

I’ve said this before on Twitter but I don’t believe I’ve ever said it formally in a post. 

Taylor Swift is not generally an evil person, but she’s a liar and someone who can manipulate you very easily. Hopefully she doesn’t shut us down and if she does, well then the same thing I said about Selena, backups start going up. Back to Taylor. She is a good person when it comes to her personal family, friends, and fans life. Business wise on the other hand, is a different story. She has a full team of lawyers, publicists, and overall very powerful people, ready to attack whenever. She will do anything for her vanilla image. She will go to lengths to protect whatever is left of it. Why do you think she’s never been exposed? She and her team are very good at keeping everything concealed. They’re the type of people to threaten you in a dark alley if you claim you have a video of Taylor doing something scandalous. Don’t get me wrong, she’s very nice and is great to work with. However, do not trust her. She will turn the tables randomly whenever it works for her. 

As a person, Taylor is very bitter. She will hold a grudge and she will be extremely two faced at times. Knowing that about her, leads me to believe that the reason she lied about not knowing the Famous lyrics, was because she was still bitter over what happened in 2009. 


Taylor is still stuck in high school. She is the type of person who won’t forgive her bff for accidentally telling someone something that Taylor told her. Hint hint. Instead of a loyal army of robots, she has a loyal army of powerful people with paparazzi and media outlets on her payroll. 


Ken Ehrlich didn’t retract his comment because he was “wrong.” He retracted it because he was told to. The funny part is his comment was so specific at first. He said, “She had an advance of the track. She commented on it in a very funny way, she’s smart.” And then Kim later reveals that Taylor was indeed joking about her part in the song and how it would be a compliment and how everyone would be in the dark about their secret plan. 

What baffles me is how Taylor’s team had that Instagram note all ready to go. I bet they didn’t think we would notice that. 


And funny how she wants to come at Kanye for “character defamation” while her career was built on songs she wrote where she tarnishes other’s images. 


That VMA dig was so funny since I Knew You Were Trouble was written and released before Haylor started dating but get those headlines Taylor!


I honestly do not know why Taylor is creating enemies like this. She’s not a bad person at heart. She’s kinda talented. She has a very large fanbase. Why not just be a good person? She deserves everything that’s happening to her right now. 


She lied and milked a victim act and this is backlash. This is not the first time she’s turned the tables on people, but this is one of the few times someone talks because they’re not in fear of her team coming at them. The Kardashian clan along with Kanye West are quite powerful people just like Taylor is. Powerful vs. Powerful, there’s bound to be an explosion and it just happened. 

Taylor needs to collect herself and go to therapy or something because this is going to keep happening. People will come out and give their experience. Calvin Harris is one of those people. 

Taylor and her team tried to make it seem like Calvin Harris didn’t want Taylor getting credit for co-writing “This Is What You Came For” when again, it was TAYLOR’S IDEA. She even went under a fake name. 


And Calvin was not having it. He took to twitter and said the following. 


He mentions Katy which is another feud Taylor has recently been involved with. Basically, Katy’s dancers auditioned for Taylor’s tour, got in, and then Katy’s team reached out to them saying if they would like to come back to Katy’s tour and the dancers chose on their own to leave because they felt that Katy was like family and they weren’t having too much fun on Taylor’s tour. Taylor then took that as oh my god Katy is out to get me, she’s trying to ruin my tour for taking three easily replaceable dancers! And then went on to write Bad Blood and milk the shit out of that tired feud. And oh let me not mention the miserable video for it in which she includes like 8,000 celebrities in this feud that no one longer cares about. That’s Taylor for you, queen of pettiness. Here’s their full feud summarized. 


Katy really meant no harm but like I said, Taylor is still in high school. She takes everything to heart and always thinks someone is out to get her. 

Since I’m on the topic of Taylor, let me tell you that Taylor does not do drugs. She is very against drugs and refuses to hang out with anyone who does drugs in fear that their reputation will tarnish hers. This is also why Selena and Taylor stopped hanging out for a very long time in 2013 and 2014. Selena was on coke and ended up going to rehab for it (but cupcake stans will tell you it was for “exhaustion” aka industry code for “I’m a mess”) and Taylor wanted no part of that mess. Why? Well if her bestie got exposed for her coke addiction, people may think that they did coke together. Taylor is always one step ahead (but a couple steps behind Kim). 

Now onto Taylor and Tom Hiddleston. 


They are a PR stunt set up to distract the general public with Taylor’s several feuds. Taylor’s 1989 era is successfully over and she should go back to hiding until she finishes writing her next album, but instead of going away with so much drama circling her, what better than to stage a relationship to have the general public distracted by?

They were spotted in New York, Rhode Island, Nashville, England, Rome, etc, all in what, the span of a month?

And let’s talk about this picture in Suffolk, England. 


Paparazzi are oddly close and this beach that no one seems to be at. How much paparazzi do you even think will be in Suffolk? And you honestly think you’ll be taking pictures of Taylor this close without her bodyguards suffocating you? Ha! 

Taylor’s entire life is so controlled to the point where it’s so difficult to know who’s her real friends from who’s her fake. But I do know who’s one of her real friends and that’s my dear Selena Gomez who took to Twitter to express her frustration. 


There’s one missing tweet that she deleted but we will get into that in a second. 

It shows you a lot when Selena comes and defends Taylor for being a liar and for trying to put blame on Kanye West and even more people. Not only that, but she’s saying the industry is so disappointing yet she has done some of the worse things one can do in this same exact industry. One of them includes shading the shit out of Justin Bieber and any female human he’s been in contact with for like two years. You can check all that out on my famous twitter thread: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG/status/714642168443494400

In the past, Selena has sold things about Justin Bieber to TMZ yet she wants to sit here like “I’m shocked because you guys are so mean to my best friend who’s just like me when it comes to manipulating the fuck out of people!” Oh you don’t believe me? Bet you would have never believed me if I told you all this shit about Taylor in 2009. 


Like I said on twitter, Selena is Taylor circa 2009. You all think she’s perfect. Her fans think she bakes rainbow cookies and watches cartoons in her free time. However, the sad truth is that she too has plotted to ruin someone just like her bestie. Now my favorite part about Selena’s involvement in this feud is when someone called her out for not using her voice. Her response is hilarious and quite offensive. Here’s her deleted tweet. 


Selena literally tweeted out to the world that she does not care about taking sides in Black Lives Matter and that it’s not important to hashtag it. 

Like what a fucking idiot. 


Miss I’m-The-Most-Followed-On-Instagram thinks that basically tweeting something won’t do anything so might as well stay silent! The only reason I know about the injustice of black people is because of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag. The only reason I know about police brutality to blacks is because of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag. And this inconsiderate and uneducated thing wants to sit here and speak out of her ass? Tweeting that hashtag or tweeting about the whole thing in general is called SPREADING AWARENESS. And because of that hashtag, it’s why people are more cautious and more educated on what’s been going on in the black community. It’s one thing to stay silent on a topic but it’s another thing to refuse to speak about it. And that is exactly what Selena did. 


The above tweets are from a reporter from the LA Times who just said that Selena and her team were asked to speak about important matters and they literally said NO. 

And leave it to her delusional fanbase to come to the rescue and trend “We Love Selena”


One even went as far to say the following:


Odd because


I care passionately about the #BlackLivesMatter movement. I may not necessarily tweet the hashtag, but I definitely attend events concerning it and other social problems. I tweet about most of these things on my personal account, but I’m not one to brag about being a decent person. I go to these things because I care, not because I want anyone’s approval. And because I called out Selena for the unfair comment she made, I was met with disgusting comments from her fanbase saying they don’t see me talking about it. Truth be told, her fans only choose to see my comments about Selena, but never about anything else so that’s their fault. It’s honestly shocking how they trended that hashtag and how they defend her about refusing to talk about Black Lives Matter and some even went as far as agreeing with her! Disgusting. Some of her fans even tried to say “oh well she donated money to so and so and spoke about LGBT problems and went to Africa” like huh???? What does that have to do with the black community being murdered by cops? What does that have to do with her refusing to speak out about the black community? Please relax and take a couple of classes and encourage your fave to do so since she’s uneducated. 

Read that thread here: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG/status/745838712840462336

And if you think that tweet Selena tweeted was photoshopped, here’s other different screenshots for you.


The following person also made some excellent points.


Taylor and Selena really need some therapy. 

But like Selena said


Demi tried to warn you guys about both of them. There’s a reason why she isn’t friends with them. And speaking about Demi, funny how she gets the most hate on social media; mainly from Selena fans, but Demi is the one going to the white house to try to make a difference while Selena refuses to talk about something and raise awareness to it. And Demi called Taylor out recently for her fakeness about feminism and yet she got called extra. Sort your priorities out. 

2016 has sure been a ride. 

And speaking about Taylor and Selena, we have a very intresting post coming out about them. The Alfredo post will also be up this week. I’ll also be posting a new Review post. Hope you enjoyed this post! Stay educated and hope to see you soon for more tea. 

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The Problem With How Social Media is Perceiving Demi Lovato + naivety of image on social media.

This has been building up in me for quite sometime. As you guys know, we know many many things about many many different celebrities. We have probably only told you 10% of what we know. Aside from inside secrets, we know a lot about management, publicity, and etc. I think we can all conclude that my favorite topic to talk about is image. I’m always like oh this person is not who you think they are and so on. So what does this have to do with Demi Lovato? Well I’ll tell you in a moment. 

Demi Lovato is known for a couple of things. She’s known for her music, her projects as a child, her voice, her struggles, and the comments she’s made throughout the years. 


As many of you know, I am a fan of Demi’s. Aside from who I’m a fan of, unlike the majority of you, I don’t let my personal opinion overshadow facts. Recently it’s come to my attention that Demi has made several comments that you have probably heard about and I’d like to address them. Before we get into that, we have to discuss image and publicity. 

Image and Publicity

Most of the people that social media swoons over, are not the people they think they are. Who you may think is the sweetest soul who wouldn’t hurt a fly, is really behind a beautifully crafted scheme to make them seem that way. Many of our fave celebrities do a lot of things to secure their image or create some more media attention. Following someone on Instagram, liking a picture, posing with someone backstage, throwing in a small nice comment in an interview, are all products of excellent publicity. You honestly think many of your faves like these other celebrities they seem to like. The truth is, no, no they don’t. They hate them and the reason why they posted something cute on Instagram and posed backstage together, is all the product of what’s called good publicity. A lot of celebrities don’t even control their social medias because that can affect how people see them. The general public, you, I, social media, all love a star who seems perfect. They all adore perfection and unrealistic goals. What may seem like “goals” is actually a crafted plan between publicists and managers. 


Oh you thought they were all friends and they love promoting girl power? Haha no. They love promoting themselves and what’s better than promotion than public relationships to get introduced to new celebrities and new connections? 

Again, the majority of your favorite celebrities’ social medias is almost always controlled by their team in order to execute an image of perfection. Also, they don’t want their clients slipping and saying something that’s politically incorrect. 

People on social media’s set faves are on people who meet those levels of perfection. So that’s one set of celebrities; the ones who will do anything for good publicity, the ones who would like to act like they’re friends with everyone, the ones who pretend to be the ideal standard of royal fame. Then there’s the other set who are my favorite. 

This set includes celebrities who go against the ideal image of what a celebrity should be. 


The only two ex disney acts out of the trio who don’t follow the script their publicists set, religiously. 

This set includes celebrities who aren’t afraid to speak their mind. This set includes celebrities who say, yeah I fucked up, and you know what? You do too. This set includes celebrities who are usually perceived in a negative light due to the fact that they are not under the constant control of their management. This set does not include manufactured products of a billion dollar label. One of these celebrities is Demi Lovato. 

Demi Lovato is someone who does not take shit from anyone. She’s spent a large majority of her life trying to fit in, trying to be popular, trying to be liked. And believe it or not, this industry is a lot like a big high school. You have your popular cheerleaders who like to act like they’re perfect with their arranged boyfriends when in reality they’re either sleeping with each other or their “best friend’s” husband/boyfriend. Fast forward a couple of categories, and you have the group of “outcasts.” In that group, you’ll find people who are just outcasts because they don’t like to comply with the norm. Recently, Demi Lovato has sparked a lot of talk about what she said about the legendary Mariah Carey. 


For those of you who have been living under a rock, there’s been an ongoing comparison between Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande due to the way they sing.


Demi and Ariana are friends by the way. We haven’t been told that they have a secret rivalry so no the following picture is not one of those times where publicists tell celebrities to pose together. 


Anyways, so of course the queen of shade, Mariah Carey decided to take her stance on this by saying the following about two years ago. 


The comment Mariah made seems innocent except the fact that it was Mariah Carey saying it and nothing she says is innocent. I believe she was asked about the comparisons between her and Ariana and Mariah responds saying “I wish everybody all the best of luck and if this is the career path they choose, hope they can achieve longevity.” Basically, if you’re choosing to make a career out of being a wannabe me, then good luck. 

The competition has been going on since the beginning. So Demi’s instagram comment was defending her friend Ariana from an ongoing comparison between the two. Sure she could have stayed quiet, but then again she doesn’t always have to follow the rules of what her publicist tell her in order to achieve an image of perfection in which only delusional and naive kids fall for (so basically all of stan twitter). 

Now what really got everyone worked up is when Demi defended her friend Jennifer Lopez. 


Here’s what Demi said


Now I personally don’t find anything wrong with what she said but stan twitter likes to fire at her for no reason. 

“Cause my girl is classy like that” is Demi defending Jennifer and saying she’s classy which is true because she’s not going around making shady remarks about another competitor for a couple years now. 


The same delusional fanbase who I see getting involved this drama is none other than the idiots who call themselves Selenators. Btw, they are the most uneducated and naive people you will come across so steer clear of them if you value your time. Suddenly they’re all Mariah stans but they forgot when their fave milked the “classy” act for like a year ever since what Miley pulled at the 2013 VMAs.


So no no little children, you don’t get to be mad at anyone for saying their friend is classy when your fave milked the whole “i’m classy” act when the media tried to come for Miley by saying she’s unclassy and that it’s better to support Selena who’s the classy version of her yeah in the public eye. And yes, she started this whole act, after the 2013 VMAs. 


This performance was also another publicity stunt that got everyone talking just like they wanted. 

Anyways, what Demi continued to say has brought me a newfound respect for her because she called out one this industry’s most heartless divas! We know our good share of stories about Mariah, but we’ll stay quiet for now. 

Demi is not shading Mariah. Demi is not coming for Mariah. Demi is defending her friends from constantly being put down at while doing so, she did not insult Mariah. 

Now a lot of you will come up and be like oh Jennifer stole Mariah’s song. 


No. Do your research. The basic story is Mariah recorded a song that was sampled, then ended her contract with that label. Jennifer was working with someone who gave her that same sample to work with and then Mariah could not use it because of the date issue since Jennifer was releasing her album before. Deluded and uneducated individuals make it seem like Jennifer Lopez put on a black catsuit, called up Demi, and said hey let’s break into Columbia Records and attempt to sabotage Mariah. If we’re going to be pointing fingers, it’s going to be at the person who gave Mariah’s sample to Jennifer. Regardless of what happened after or before, I personally don’t care, don’t get angry when someone defends their friend over some grudge you’ve been holding for over a decade. 


Now back to Demi’s comment about Mariah dissing people and treating Jennifer in a nasty way. Yes that is true. Mariah is one the biggest divas in this industry and when I say diva, I don’t mean diva like I don’t wanna pose with fans. I mean diva like calling up people who work for her, at like 3AM and ordering a drink. No no, not room service, people who work for her like her publicists, managers, etc. Many people who have worked for Mariah had said that she would bring in an entourage with her at all times, will not allow anyone to talk to her because she is Mariah Carey, and will walk around treating people like she’s above them. Other people have reported that Mariah has left events before if she was not at the VIP table. One of these events were when she was upset that she wasn’t sitting with President Obama & Michelle at an event and then left. 


She will attack people if they’re not getting her from the right angle. Another report showed that she refused to help pay for her dying sister’s medical bills and her brother called her out on it. And I quote, he called her “heartless” and a “witch.”

There’s a lot more diva-ish acts she’s done, but you get the point. 


Before I have the 30 year olds come at me, I don’t care what you have to say. Look all this up yourself. Go find the people in the shadows who have worked with Mariah and go read what they had to say. Anything personal reported to us about Mariah, has always circled around the “oh she’s a diva,” so I don’t really have the patience for anyone to convince me otherwise. Okay? Okay. 

Now if you support that, do you boo, do you. I on the other hand, tend to support people who have respect for other human beings because at the end of the day, they are human beings. 


Mariah Carey has made a legendary impact on the music industry, but that does not give her right to go and try to attack everyone in her field of business or if they’re not. If you think she has the right, then others have the right to defend themselves. 

With that being said, I don’t have anything against Mariah. I myself like the occasional diva in the music industry, but I’m not going to drag someone from defending themselves from a diva.

I know many things about Demi. And I can honestly tell you right now, that she’s a genuine person. She doesn’t walk around thinking she’s above anyone. She doesn’t constantly put people down. She’s not manipulative. She doesn’t go out of her way to hurt someone. She has a lot of things she has to work on and that’s what she does. If you can’t support that, then fine. But don’t come after her because she’s not the manufactured product you want to praise. Demi fights for what she believes in and if that’s something you can’t respect, then oh well, no one cares. 

 Another example of times Demi was attacked for no reason is when she stood up and called out Taylor Swift for not practicing what she preaches. 


Basically the story is, Kesha came out and said that Dr. Luke raped her and etc. Demi was defending her and said that people who should be all about feminism should come out and support Kesha in this time of need instead of staying quiet which is TRUE. So then people on twitter who I’m assuming have no friends, came out and said omg she’s shading Taylor Swift and then Taylor came out and donated $250k to Kesha. The point of the story is that Taylor would not have done anything if Demi didn’t speak up about it. And oh how did we know that Taylor donated that? Because someone from Kesha’s party decided to tweet it and praise her. If you think that was not set up in chit chat between the publicists, then good lord you really do know nothing about this industry. Taylor Swift is not a bad person. However, she will do anything to keep her vanilla image… vanilla. She does not appreciate someone calling her out. She does not like to get involved in controversial topics because she fears that an audience who supports her, will leave her based on what she said so no darlings, she does not believe in fighting for what she believes in if that’s going to affect her image. She likes to maintain control over her image and Demi saying that she speaks up about something that’s important to her rather than trying to be politically correct is her basically telling you, fuck what you think, I’m sorry I’m not a manufactured product. Let me not even get started in the whole Kanye West vs Taylor thing when he rapped about her and got her permission for the line and then she went around and flipped the whole story around and played the victim role. 


This is another time that people like to hate on Demi. Basically, Zendaya got the chance to be part of Barbie’s new line that showcases a lot of diversity. Barbie asked for other requests and then Demi then said, well oh because they’re doing this, bring out a curvy doll at the same doll. Again, bringing awareness to something she’s passionate about, but then she was called out for trying to steal the attention off Zendaya meanwhile Zendaya has like 1/8th of Demi’s fame but okay. 


We never told you the story of Nicki Minaj and Demi Lovato at the 2016 Met Gala even though we were going to. 

Basically, Nicki Minaj was incredibly rude to Demi. If you’re smart, you’d realize that both Nicki and Demi are wearing dresses designed by Moschino at a fashion related event. Usually when the designer is present, anyone wearing his or her designs, will pose with the designer. That is why Nicki and Demi were supposed to pose together. Shouldn’t come as any surprise when I tell you that Nicki Minaj is a rude and petty person in general, so she wasn’t that happy posing with Demi even though they didn’t really have any past history worth of Nicki being mad at her. 

However, we have our good share of Nicki stories, but I’ll decide if I want to spill one day.


Nicki posting that post on Instagram was direct shade to Demi since she was obnoxiously rude to her for no reason, so Demi called her out and basically said I did nothing to you, why are you like this? 

Again, defending herself. It’s not calling being “extra,” it’s called DEFENDING YOURSELF and the same people who attack Demi for it, are the same people who are probably the ones getting pushed into lockers at school or sitting in the corner by themselves since they can’t do the same as Demi which is, defending themselves. That’s probably why they get so mad. Demi is doing something they can’t. 

But, mind you, Demi never meant any harm to Nicki


hence her commenting that because that’s what friends act like and Demi has enjoyed Nicki’s music in the past.

But again, Demi got hate…. for putting 3 emojis and commenting something innocent. And let’s not forget when many of you sided with Miley Cyrus when Nicki Minaj said this


even though 1. Miley & Nicki have worked together in the past and Miley didn’t hold any sort of grudge towards Nicki, she just called her out by saying oh stop playing the race card because you didn’t get nominated for the VMAs, again TRUE and 2. pretty sure this was a publicity stunt that Nicki continued to milk on social media. Nicki Minaj is another person who will play the victim card to suffice her wants. 

But leave it to the majority to side with Miley, but hate on Demi. 

Demi is a feminist. She’s not a feminist because it’s a trend. She’s a feminist because she actually believes in being one and she better considering the hell Wilmer put her through when degrading her.


While many gave Demi hate for that comment, I applaud her. A lot of you delusional animals claim that you’re a feminist because your fave is. You think you’re a feminist but you have no idea what being a feminist is about. You think you’re a feminist but you’re probably like Selena Gomez and don’t know the definition and think that feminism is not bringing other girls down. That’s girl power boo. Demi just scalped all of you with that one quote. While these self proclaimed feminists are on social media bringing down Demi while praising their problematic male faves for practically the same thing, Demi is actually doing something about. Demi goes to meetings in the white house to fight for things she truly believes in while you little children, sit on twitter and moan about someone’s instagram picture while playing right into the scripted acts of your manufactured faves. 

And the last thing that stan twitter likes to bring on Demi is this


That’s the equivalent of saying “You don’t need makeup to be beautiful.” She’s not saying don’t wear makeup, she’s saying you don’t HAVE to wear it, but considering the majority of people who hate on her failed reading comprehension 101, I’m not that shocked. And the fact that you guys took her comment to heart over a year later? Lmao how sensitive can you be? 

So why do I respect Demi?

As a fan. I watched Demi grow. I watched her struggle. I watched her prosper. I watched her as she became a genuine person. I watched her as she shed a perfect image made by excellent publicists. I watched her as she took responsibility for her own actions. And like I watch her put you losers in your place, I watch you moan over how sweet and genuine your faves are when really you are stanning a script. Act like this. Pose like this. Post this. Pose with her. Pose with him. Say this about this. Tweet this. Instagram this. The people you think are role models, are the same ones behind all the bullshit that happens in the industry. And instead of respecting Demi for calling out all these fake people, you bring her down. Instead, you let your opinion for her overshadow what you can LEARN from Demi. Demi is in this business therefore she knows all these people she’s called out on a personal level. She’s in the business therefore she knows how it works. I have a source. Who’s Demi’s source? Oh well she doesn’t need one since SHE’S HER OWN SOURCE. She’s a primary source to all the bullshit that goes on behind the scenes and instead of respecting a celebrity who’s finally real and not playing by a script, you bring her down. And that tells me one thing and that’s that you know nothing about this industry. 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG

Ask: http://exposingsmgask.tumblr.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgCdcb-z8MNZInajCu84sg

Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account): https://twitter.com/argenthearts

Update Twitter (check for the new posts or updates there!): https://twitter.com/ExposingSMGblog

Confirmation of Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom who he cheated on Katy Perry. #ExposingSMGKeepsGettingProvedRightParty

Hello hello. 

If you follow me on twitter, then you probably already heard the news. Any information I post, I’m 100% confident in because I talk to reliable sources therefore I post reliable information. I’m not looking forward to getting sued or getting placed in hell. I’m also not looking forward to getting proved wrong which of course never happens due to the speech I just gave you. With that being said, let’s gloat. 

Disclaimer: It doesn’t come as a shock to me when the information I write gets its official confirmation because duh, I know I’m right. I just like to rub it into the face of my secret fans. 

Recall my spring break marathon that wasn’t too far long ago?


If you haven’t read any of them, well you missed out on some good tea (I believe the replacement for “tea” is now LEMONADE). Not to fear, right here is a link of all the spring break posts – http://exposingsmg.tumblr.com/post/143613443351/exposingsmgs-spring-break-marathon

Our first post was about Selena and Orlando Bloom. Read it here – http://exposingsmg.tumblr.com/post/143403453331/exposed-selena-gomez-and-orlando-bloom

And here’s the main message from my source:


What can I say?


It’s fun being proved right because then on May 10, 2016, this happened. 


Yes ladies and gents, that is Selena and Orlando!

Also, don’t you love how Selena and Orlando were last spotted together like in October 2015 and then I post about their fling in April 2016 thinking it was old news since there hasn’t been anything about them this year, and then just two weeks later, they confirm it for me themselves? 

Get on the winning team! 

This is not the first time we have been proved right so you can check out my post of most of the times we have been proved right here – http://exposingsmg.tumblr.com/post/94001052561/all-the-times-exposingsmg-aka-the-fake-and-the I have to edit it and add a couple of times in there but enjoy. 

I hope Selena is proud of herself. 

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are dating. 


Selena is literally allowing a guy to cheat on his girlfriend and her fans were defending her. Shows you a lot.


Her stans are also remarkably stupid. 1. Bringing Justin into this when he has nothing to do with just proves that you automatically think of Justin when your fave does something further proving the fact that she is pretty interesting with him and 2. Read my reply.

The same night that Orlando was shoving his tongue down Selena’s throat, was the same night that Katy was talking about growing old with him. Smh. They’re both disgusting. 


And it’s funny because people refuse to believe that Selena cheated on Justin like we told you and like he told you


but Selena has no problem having a fling with a guy in a relationship.

Selena Gomez everybody. 


Her only talent isn’t just taking selfies, but it’s taking your guys too! 

On the other hand, my readers and I had another party. #ExposingSMGKeepsGettingProvedRightParty

Enjoy tonight’s fabulous looks. 



As promised, everyone was included. Love you guys. 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG

Ask: http://exposingsmgask.tumblr.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgCdcb-z8MNZInajCu84sg

Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account): https://twitter.com/argenthearts

Exposed: Watch out, Justin. (Jelena contract update)

Back in 2015, we told you about the new official Jelena contract. You can read that post here – http://exposingsmg.tumblr.com/post/123855303836/exposed-the-new-official-jelena-contract-of-2015

To summarize, that Jelena contract is the only reason that Jelena is somewhat relevant today. It’s the reason that Justin posts old Jelena pictures on instagram and it’s the reason why Jelena meet up here and then. It was signed to protect Justin from Selena’s team who were threatening to release things on him. And to kill two birds with one stone, it also benefits Selena because her name being tied down to the most famous pop star on the planet, will obviously get her some headlines = attention = fame = money. 

But something is happening and you guys are starting to notice it. Justin seems quite unhappy lately. He’s been ranting more and more and there has been things that are bothering him. 


He’s actually going through some issues right now so cut him some slack. I’ll come back to this.

Anyways, back to the Jelena contract. 

Justin posted this as he was advised to


considering the fact that Selena started her Revival tour like a day before. 


And we told you it was going to happen… well we hinted it 


And a day later he posted that picture. Btw, that Kylie tweet was like a month old so I dug it up so I can tweet it. I should have probably told you all straight up but where’s the fun in that? 

So then she ripped up a sign saying “Marry Justin please”

(Video HERE)


If you were on Twitter, you saw that Justin was getting comments like “Omg he’s such an obsessed ex get a restraining order Selena!” and etc.

It’s very odd that people choose to believe a theory where Justin is the psychopath ex obsessed with the girl who dragged him for two years, rather than believe that he’s doing this promote her as the contract states, since her tour was literally the day before. Coincidence? I think not. But most stans are brainwashed things that live in their fave’s ass so I’m not surprised. 

Turns out… the Jelena contract is backfiring. It’s not benefiting Justin. It’s making him look stupid. And on top of that, he’s dealing with some personal and professional issues. I’d rather not get into the personal issues so let’s talk about his professional issues. 

Justin wanted this era to be more r&b and instead, it’s more of pop and dance music. That wasn’t his choice and if you are a veteran exposingsmg reader, you should know this. My source told me back in July 2015 and then I quoted her on Twitter, saying this


That’s what was supposed to happen. But then Where Are U Now blowing up, he was forced to change his sound. This is something we were proven right about also but everyone it ignored it. 


Check the date. December 26, 2014, we said the following


So then in March 2015, Justin said the following


(Post HERE)

The point is, he’s not that happy with his current sound even though he has his album title tattooed on him. Maybe his thoughts changed, I don’t know. 

So that’s one of his professional dilemmas.

Another one is that he’s going through this phase where he’s finding himself and stuff, which is the reason why he lashes out and defends himself a lot nowadays. That may come off as rude but oh well, at least it’s real. 

And read the rest from my source


“She’s [Selena] acting so moved on? Lol as if her peers don’t be stalking Hailey”

This one goes out to you Hails! They’re stalking you girl. You win. 


She meant “no the contract isn’t finished yet”

So basically if the Jelena contract comes to an end, Selena’s team will most likely lash out and release things on Justin. 

Poor Justin. He never catches a break. 

But the point is, try to soften up towards him. Like I said, he’s going through some things. And if you’re one of those psycho fans who enjoy attacking a celebrity and screaming in their face when you meet them… then uh… you soften up too and relax because one day Justin is going to lash out on you and you will deserve it. 

So in conclusion, there’s not much in progress right now except what I told you. I hope Justin doesn’t re-live 2013. And for the Beliebers reading this, whether you hate or love me, just be there for your fave. Again, he’s going through a lot. I don’t know what else I could say. If something happens, don’t say we didn’t warn you. I’ll try to find out more information. 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG

Ask: http://exposingsmgask.tumblr.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgCdcb-z8MNZInajCu84sg

Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account): https://twitter.com/argenthearts

Selena Gomez ripping up a sign that says “Marry Justin please” at her show on May 9th, 2016. 

She can rip up a sign saying “Marry Justin please” but she will never rip up the Jelena contract she signed. 

Also, who else loves how she took it? Miss drama free TOOK IT. And then ripped it up. What was it doing there anyways? Why would a Selena stan go FRONT ROW with that sign? 

Anyways, a lot of the things you guys see are planned in advance. I’m not saying THIS particular event was planned, but Selena’s actions are always talked over. 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG

Ask: http://exposingsmgask.tumblr.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgCdcb-z8MNZInajCu84sg

Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account): https://twitter.com/argenthearts

DailyESMG: Justin, Pattie, and Hailey.


A lot of you guys have been asking for an update on Justin and Pattie’s relationship, ever since we posted about the parent contract which you can read HERE

Well your wish is my command, unless you’re telling me to go kill myself

So I asked my source and she said that Justin and Pattie are starting to talk again so that’s good. 

Now you all know about my favorite exposingsmg reader, Hailey Baldwin, who followed (and then unfollowed) recently. Btw, I keep my vow. I am Hailey’s guardian angel and let me catch one of you talking shit! 

Anyways, Hailey and Pattie are getting kinda close! 


Justin and his mom on the other hand, hung out and took some pictures which should surface soon. 

I’m not someone who is the most fond of Pattie, but at least her relationship with Justin is blossoming again. She is his mother after all.

Oh and here’s Justin with his mom a month after we posting the parent contract. Look at us making amends! First, Selly’s dad, and now Justin’s mom! We aren’t so bad after all. 

Btw, Pattie likes Hailey! 

“My mama don’t like you but she likes everyone.”


I bet my favorite girl is fuming while reading this!

Here is the short message with our amazing source 


Hope you enjoyed!

Btw, I have exams coming up the following weeks so I might be a little inactive. We’ll see. Wish me luck and good luck to everyone else who is dealing with finals! 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG

Ask: http://exposingsmgask.tumblr.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgCdcb-z8MNZInajCu84sg

Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account): https://twitter.com/argenthearts

ExposingSMG’s Spring Break Marathon

It has sadly come to an end. Here’s all the posts. 

Day 1 – Exposed: Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom 


Day 2 – Exposed: Tell All Revealed – Kylie Jenner + more on what she did when she dated Jaden Smith.


Day 3 – Exposed: The person behind Selena’s drug addiction + a Selena drug update. 


Day 4 – Exposed: Tell All Revealed – The Backstory of Luke Hemmings and Arzaylea, his girlfriend. 


Day 5 – Exposed: The big Jelena reveal – CHEATING 


Hope you guys enjoyed this week!


Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG

Ask: http://exposingsmgask.tumblr.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgCdcb-z8MNZInajCu84sg

Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account): https://twitter.com/argenthearts

Exposed: Selena cheated on Justin. (short version)

Read the full and explained post HERE, before coming to me all brainwashed and confused. 

A.  Justin did not admit he cheated on Selena in his interview

Read what Justin said:


Because of the last part, everyone assume that, that means Justin cheated on Selena. 



Justin is talking about TRUST. Selena is and was very insecure in the relationship which is why she made him cut off all ties with his other female friends during the relationship, something he just admitted.

Here’s messages from our source in November 2014


Look at all of the female friends Justin reconciled with when he was single


So do you morons finally understand what he meant in that interview?

He meant that talking to other girls and that getting him in trouble.

And look what he said on September 28, 2015


He basically said he didn’t cheat and he wouldn’t cheat, yet you all tend to ignore that.

Now that’s cleared up, we just have one more bullet to go through until I reveal what I want to reveal.



I said it a million times, Justin and Selena did not cheat on each other.


I said it a thousand times before.

HOWEVER, we come bearing news and you probably guessed it by now.

My source tells me that Selena actually did cheat on Justin.

Now that’s not all. You know me, I wouldn’t just hype up a post like that only to come out and say oh hey yall Selena cheated.


It’s HOW Justin found out.

Selena cheated on Justin sometime around March 2012, when they officially started dating and not just on a contract, and that’s also the time Justin found out.

Here’s the story.

Selena was texting this guy back in 2012 and she was flirting with him and being very sexual. The guy is from Texas because Selena has this thing for people who aren’t so famous. That’s the ones who she likes to sleep with on the down low, away from her career. However, we don’t know this guy’s identity. But Justin then got saw the texts and then got into a fight with the guy. Justin was PISSED. What else was Justin in March 2012? He was very (still is) HUGE on social media. So what’s the first thing he does?


He QUOTES what Selena was saying and TWEETS it.



u don’t like to be teased?” that’s what she said.

“u make me wanna”

And then he leaks his number.

Oh what’s that 214 area code number?


Now here’s the funny part. After Justin tweeted that, his team was like “Omg we gotta do damage control because what if people figure this out?”

No one figured it out because I guess it wasn’t that obvious if you didn’t know the story.

But look at the story their teams released right after Justin, my savage, said that.


You’re hiring an attorney for a leaked phone number? Lol just change the number but oh yeah, “Kent” had it for 20 years. Also, NOTICE how the article includes this guy’s wife even though the number was “Kent’s.” I love smart teams.

Back to Selena cheating on Justin.

Selena would do these very odd things to get Justin’s attention and cheating on him was one of them. As you should all know, she is VERY insecure and paranoid so yeah.

Enjoy the messages between my source and I and also enjoy how my source was just telling me causually oh Justin tweeted about it and I was like OMG I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT.

Exposingsmg always wins.


I can’t reveal whatever is blurred out so ignore it.

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to leave me your thoughts!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG

Ask: http://exposingsmgask.tumblr.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgCdcb-z8MNZInajCu84sg

Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account): https://twitter.com/argenthearts

Exposed: The big Jelena reveal – CHEATING.

Day 5 of ExposingSMG’s Spring Break Marathon


Ah my favorite and most popular topic on this blog, Jelena. 


As you can see from the title, this is going to be a bit controversial to talk about. 

I will begin with my favorite quote. 

“The closer you are, the less you’ll see.”

I’ve been hyping up this post for time so I hope you enjoy. I can’t promise that ALL of you will enjoy this post since I have a large audience of people who hate me. If you are one of them, no one is forcing you to read anything. Especially because by the time I’m done with this post, it’ll be very hard to disprove so without further ado, let’s begin! 

In order to understand this post, I’ll have to give you the repetitive Jelena timeline. 

  • Justin and Selena started “dating” on a contract back in 2011. Read all about that here
  • They fell in love and started dating for real this time, sometime in early 2012. 
  • They had a couple of bumps throughout their short time dating. One of those bumps was Selena rejecting Justin’s proposal. Read all about that here
  • They had a huge breakup in November 2012 where Selena was really hurt by what seemed like Justin moving on so fast with Barbara Palvin and that’s what she started all that drama that night. Read all about that here
  • Justin and Selena then tried to make it work. 
  • It didn’t.
  • Selena was very bitter and insecure. 
  • She leaked the weed pictures and other things.
  • Justin then went into full on depression mode and bad drug habits due to his harsh breakup with Selena, what he found out on his mom and dad (the parent contract), and the death of Avalanna. 
  • Selena on the other hand didn’t really care and started shading him constantly (read about that here) and kept going back to him before/during/after a release of her project (read about that here). Repeat this cycle for about 2 years. 
  • Selena then started developing a drug habit. Read all about that here and here.
  • Selena became a mess and then told Justin that he was the reason she was like that so he felt obliged to help her out with her career whenever she needed him. Read all about that here
  • Selena went to rehab and came out with her “lupus” and then her Revival plan started. Read all about that here
  • Justin cleaned up his act and his Purpose era started. 
  • Selena thretened to leak videos of Justin doing things like cocaine, so in order to get her not to, Selena and Justin’s team signed a contract that stated that Jelena will have to be seen from time to time. Read all about that here

And that brings us to today. Jelena is always a messy thing to talk about so let me break it down. Bare with me and wait until the end to see the reveal. Because this post is going to be SO long due to it being thoroughly explained, I’ll have a shortened version where I just reveal it. 

A. Justin was single the night of he hung out with Barbara Palvin

This is something that is well known, but people tend to attack Justin for it since Selena attacked. Before the Victoria Secret Fashion Show, we knew Jelena had broken up so when him and Barbara hung out, nobody was like “omg he’s cheating!” He just got hate for it because Selena made it seem that way. 

Sometime before November 2012, Jelena had a huge fight and broke up.


A while ago, I had a fan experience on my blog, about this. Read about it here


I’m not going to go more in depth, but Justin was depressed as hell during VS rehearsals because he was going through his breakup. 


And this is when the Victoria Secret Fashion show took place.


Okay, so we established that Justin was SINGLE the night he met Barbara. 


And of course we know what Selena pulled that night. 


In her defense, she was heartbroken, but it was a very immature thing to do. And if that’s what she tweeted, you can only imagine what she texted or told others in the inner circle. 

B. Justin and Selena did not get together again officially, after 2012

This is something many people have trouble understanding so I’ll dumb it down for the less fortunate. 

Read this carefully youngins. 

Justin and Selena did not get together again, officially, after 2012. Justin was single when he met Chantel, Ashley, Yovana, Cailin, etc.. Selena only went back to him before/during/after a release and this is something you can NOT disprove. 

This is all explained here, but I know some of you like to play stupid. 

During the end of February until March, Justin was hanging out with Ella Paige and he got called out for cheating.


But no no no, not so fast, with the cheating claims. If Justin is going to get shit for Jordan, cut it out with the double standards and say something about this. 


Suddenly it seems so weird to hate on Selena for that because she’s doing nothing, right? Then why was Justin getting called a cheater when he was with Ella?

On March 10, Selena had no problem doing this (when Justin was in the hospital)


And on March 19, 2013


Jelena was not back together. Don’t believe me? Argue with Selena. 


April 19, 2013, during Come & Get It’s release (and don’t say “oh she missed Justin” when she was just shading him and said that she was “so happy!” being single just the month before)


So Justin posts the following on April 26, 2013, because at the time he was still whipped and was all like “your wish is my command” -him


But just a month before, on March 21, 2013, Selena said she was single. 

Note: this part is just to prove that Selena was single during Jelena’s random reconciliations. I’m repetitive to get my point across. I know it’s repetitive for the veteran readers. 

Next up on Who We’re Going to Accuse Justin of Cheating With Even Though He’s Single: Jordan Ozuna

June 27, 2013


So then Selena pops up out of nowhere on the last day of June 2013, which was also around the same time when Slow Down got released (June 3)  that she was promoting and then the music video got released shortly after in July. Just facts. 


“Oh no! Justin cheated on Selena with Jordan”

But a month before.. she says AGAIN that she’s single  


Also earlier in June, before Justin was spotted with Jordan, Selena was out with David Henrie. 


So how is it that Justin is “cheating” but Selena isn’t? I’m not saying Selena going out with David is wrong, but I’m saying stop with the BS of “Justin cheated!” when he hangs out with a girl even though he’s single, but yall turn a blind eye for everything Selena does. 

Then on July 4th, 2013


A couple days later…


“ironically” during the promotion of Slow Down and when Stars Dance was getting released at the end of the month. 

But also in July…


So uh, how was Justin cheating on Selena with Jordan? And if Justin is a cheater, why would Selena keep going back to him? Oh right, there was also this thing about Selena going back to be before/during/after a release. 

That was it for Jelena in 2013 though.

They were not spotted again after that. 

Got that? 

Both were single. 

So when Justin was hanging out with Cailin (for a music video)


or sneaking out of brothel (um..)


and leaving with other girls


or having Cailin come with him to his movie premiere 


THAT’S HIS LIFE. He obviously wasn’t making clear decisions back in the day, but again, it was his life and going around twitter acting like Justin was in a relationship at the time, makes you crazy and stuck in the past. 

So are we clear? Justin didn’t cheat on Selena in 2013. 

Moving on to 2014. 


That was in January 2014 when Selena had to rack up her publicity points before disappearing to rehab something you all know we said first. 


And then


So Justin and Chantel started hanging out.

He got arrested on January 24, 2014


And you know, he was just chilling with Chantel before and afterwards.

January 25, 2014


February 6th, 2014


So then rumors of “omg Justin is cheating on Selena” begin but Selena was too busy getting linked to Niall Horan so I’m confused. 


So how is Justin cheating on her because he’s hanging out with Chantel while Selena is prancing around in London with Niall? Literally, she flew all the way to London, snapped two pics with Niall, and left a day later. Read about it here

But it’s pretty obvious Justin is SINGLE. 


I’m not going to keep going. It’s pretty obvious that Justin and Selena didn’t reconcile in 2014. Selena said it a million times (even though she was busy hating on all his model friends on Instagram) and was spotted with other guys. 


If Selena can hang out with friends of the opposite sex, then why is it Justin getting called a cheater for it?


And it’s obvious that Justin and Selena weren’t together in 2015 or 2016 since they both said it a million times. 

Plus I told you there was a new Jelena contract here

C. Justin did not admit he cheated on Selena in his interview

Read what Justin said:


Because of the last part, everyone assume that, that means Justin cheated on Selena. 



Justin is talking about TRUST. Selena is and was very insecure in the relationship which is why she made him cut off all ties with his other female friends during the relationship, something he just admitted. 

Here’s messages from our source in November 2014


Look at all of the female friends Justin reconciled with when he was single


So do you morons finally understand what he meant in that interview?

He meant that talking to other girls and that is what’s getting him in trouble. I mean hello, look at what Selena did on Twitter just because Justin hung out with Barbara.

And look what he said on September 28, 2015


He basically said he didn’t cheat and he wouldn’t cheat, yet you all tend to ignore that. 

Now that’s cleared up, we just have one more bullet to go through until I reveal what I want to reveal. 

D. Selena before her and Justin broke up

This all takes place in 2012 before the breakup. I won’t say anything except, but if it was Justin…


Make your own conclusions. 



I said it a million times, Justin and Selena did not cheat on each other. 


I said it a thousand times before. 

HOWEVER, we come bearing news and you probably guessed it by now. 

My source tells me that Selena actually did cheat on Justin.

Now that’s not all. You know me, I wouldn’t just hype up a post like that only to come out and say oh hey yall Selena cheated


It’s HOW Justin found out. 

Selena cheated on Justin sometime around March 2012, when they officially started dating and not just on a contract, and that’s also the time Justin found out. 

Here’s the story. 

Selena was texting this guy back in 2012 and she was flirting with him and being very sexual. The guy is from Texas because Selena has this thing for people who aren’t so famous. That’s the ones who she likes to sleep with on the down low, away from her career. However, we don’t know this guy’s identity. But Justin then got saw the texts and then got into a fight with the guy. Justin was PISSED. What else was Justin in March 2012? He was very (still is) HUGE on social media. So what’s the first thing he does?


He QUOTES what Selena was saying and TWEETS it. 



“u don’t like to be teased?” that’s what she said. 

“u make me wanna”

And then he leaks his number. 

Oh what’s that 214 area code number?


Now here’s the funny part. After Justin tweeted that, his team was like “Omg we gotta do damage control because what if people figure this out?” 

No one figured it out because I guess it wasn’t that obvious if you didn’t know the story. 

But look at the story their teams released right after Justin, my savage, said that. 


You’re hiring an attorney for a leaked phone number? Lol just change the number but oh yeah, “Kent” had it for 20 years. Also, NOTICE how the article includes this guy’s wife even though the number was “Kent’s.” I love smart teams. 

Back to Selena cheating on Justin. 

Selena would do these very odd things to get Justin’s attention and cheating on him was one of them. As you should all know, she is VERY insecure and paranoid so yeah. 

Enjoy the messages between my source and I. Also enjoy how my source was just telling me casually oh Justin tweeted about it and I was like OMG I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT

Exposingsmg always wins. 


I can’t reveal whatever is blurred out so ignore it. 

I hope you enjoyed and make sure to leave me your thoughts!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExposingSMG

Ask: http://exposingsmgask.tumblr.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgCdcb-z8MNZInajCu84sg

Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account): https://twitter.com/argenthearts

Exposed: Tell All Revealed – The Backstory of Luke Hemmings and Arzaylea, his girlfriend.

Tell All: Part 1

Tell All Part 1: Revealed 

When asking about who we should include in our Tell All, 5 Seconds of Summer (5sos) was an often request. 


Lead singer = Luke Hemmings

Well known band = 5 Seconds of Summer


The girlfriend = Arzaylea

Btw, the best mate who wasn’t fond of her, is Calum Hood. 


So that is what was revealed last time and here we are with more information as promised.

My source was glad to tell me information about Arzaylea. Now bare with me since I come from the Jelena hood so I’m not familiar about what was released on social media. With Jelena, I know where to look. With these people, I just did a quick Google search. 

My source tells me that Arzaylea cheated on her boyfriend who she was with for a very long time because she wanted to get into the limelight with Luke Hemmings, the lead singer of 5 Seconds of Summer.

Bryan, is her ex and this is them. 


That also explains why she’s selling information on him and the band. I don’t believe any media articles have already posted her information since I’ve been told there’s not much on 5 Seconds of Summer, which is good news for them.

I did a little extra digging and I found out that Arzaylea was interviewed which is odd since she’s not famous. It’s also very odd for the girlfriend of someone who’s really not that important to the general public, is getting an interview, as opposed to when Chantel Jeffries was interviewed by E! News because you know she was around during the time of Justin Bieber’s arrest. 

Here’s her interview:


Now sis… I know I’m not part of the 5sos fandom so I’m not keeping up with whatever the amount of things she did to piss of the fabase, but it’s simple. If you don’t want hate, don’t piss of the fanabse. If you don’t care, piss of the fanbase by all means, just don’t complain about it. And our ask is where everyone from different fandoms come to vent and talk about their issues and ask their questions, and I’ve been told that Arzaylea, is one to post personal pictures of her and Luke and then delete them. Doing that just means you want to start drama and if that’s your intention, then by all means! Just don’t complain about it and play the victim role because I assure you that’s not what she is.

I mean everyone gets hate. Addressing the hate will bring you more hate. It’s the celebrity lifestyle. Either get with it or get out. But as my source just told you all, she cheated on her boyfriend, to get with Luke Hemmings so she ain’t getting out.

I did a little bit more digging and I found out that when 5 Seconds of Summer were interviewed by Rolling Stone, Luke’s girlfriend was included as well. 


This isn’t a teenbop article, so I’m really conflicted to why she was included. But you know, you get money from this kind of stuff so I’m sure she got her cut. 

My source also says that Arzaylea has a reputation going around. Basically she’s one of those girls who just wants to find her way to the top, the easy way and what’s easier than dating someone famous/more famous than you. I mean ask my gal, Selena! Basically, she moved to LA and wanted to adapt to the lifestyle quick so she hung out at all the celebrity places to get into the inner circle. 

Based on what my source told me, I did a little Google search and here’s what I found. 

Arzaylea’s ex, Bryan, was living with Arzaylea in an apartment. Then Arzaylea dropped him to go find some opportunities with Luke Hemmings. That led her to not paying the rent for the apartment that she was living in with Bryan. 


And he had to call her out on social media since she wasn’t responding to his messages. 



As for Bryan, my source tells me he’s very sweet and intelligent.  He seems like it! I saw some of his tweets on my timeline and this boy WOKE. 


I’ve been told from others that Arzaylea has now adapted this personality where she thinks she’s above others due to her relationship with Luke. People who know her have stated that, as well as didn’t like her presence. 


Again… this is odd since she really doesn’t have a status except who she’s dating so I don’t know where this cockiness is coming from. It’s basically what my source was talking about. Some people move to LA and just crave the lifestyle.

Based on what I’ve been told about the guys of 5 Seconds of Summer, they all seem like pretty decent guys. You know, your typical guys who like slut around and sleep with fans. I believe they also stated that before. 

I’m sure there’s more going on, on twitter about Arzaylea and Luke, but I’m bored since this is a typical using someone for fame, story. I’m into more of the evil queens like Selena Gomez. 

So it leads me and 5sos’ fans to the question of… are Luke and Arzaylea dating for PR? 


 Btw, they’ve been spotted other times and I know I’m only using this spotting, but it has point. Keep reading. 

Now listen, I could specialize in how to spot a PR relationship. Alana and I, are masters in what is PR and what is not. I really wish I had a proper answer to this question, but my source has been busy this week and didn’t get back to me, but lets look at the facts.


First of all, Luke Hemmings and his band are really not that important to the general public. Don’t get me wrong, they are known and relevant, but not important to pop culture. They are not Taylor Swift. They are not Justin Bieber. The general public does not care about who they date. 

Second of all, PR relationships are to promote something or to gain relevancy. Usually happens before, around, or after the release of something. Oh the many times I stated that phrase on this blog. So I did my research and found out that Luke and Arzaylea’s first spottings happened around a month before the release of their 2nd album, Sounds Good Feels Good. 


And the album..


If I was 5sos’ mangager, I’d think of hooking up the lead singer with someone relevant like Kylie Jenner, not a random nobody that doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page, but okay. 

Third of all, their first spottings look very forced. Kind of like my favorite PR contract, Jelena back when they were a deal. 


It’s practically the same thing. 

And yadda yadda, Luke and Arzaylea have been spotted a couple more times afterwards, but MONTHS after the event I’m telling you. So there’s a good chance they started out on a contract, which whoever’s idea it was to set up a famous lead singer with a nobody, I hope they’re fired, but I’m not sure. 

What I am sure about though is that we have been told that this girl is selling or trying to sell information on the band and is securing a sex tape to get money from if this deal OR relationship, when it is over. But since there’s a sex tape involved, they’re probably dating for real. Or they started out as PR and Luke fell for her as all the weak little boys tend to fall for the no good ones. 

How do we know this information, well my source lives in LA and in her words “everyone knows everyone”

That’s what I know and I hope you enjoyed. 

To conclude this post, here are the messages between my source and I. 


Listen, I know she said she’s seen many PRS and Arzaylea has to be the most annoying, but I don’t exactly know what she means by that. I’m not sure if she means PR like a contract signed to date for publicity, or she just means public relationship, which PR stands for. I will find out my dear friends, so just give me time. 


Thanks for reading! 

UPDATE: April 29, 2016

My source got back to me about whether or not Luke Hemmings and Arzaylea started out on a deal. 

Here’s what she says 


Hope you enjoyed!

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